Laughter Day Celebration @ Konstant Infosolutions

Following up on May First weekend, Funny makers strapped their seatbelts, held their bellies tight, listened intently, and busted into laughter!

Quick Summary: According to scientists, when someone tickles us, and we are not prepared, our natural reaction is to protect ourselves, and retract back. Konstant held the reins to tickle everyone present on the delightful occasion, and 555 happened. Wondering what is that? 555 in Thailand means “Ha, Ha, Ha” because 5 represents “Ha” phonic sound there!

We smile from the lips, and that reaches to the eyes, making our bellies crunch and souls open for an outburst that bubble around us.

Why it is important to laugh: Endorphins, Cortisol, Testosterone, are essential hormones that trigger when we laugh out loud. These are helpful in relieving our inherent pain, making us feeling lighter from inside. Numerous health benefits include proper functioning of organs, reduced anxiety, improving mood, relieving stress, improving cardiovascular health, reducing lethargy, plus the most important thing happens simultaneously! What’s that? Any miniscule “Hubris” vanishes away!

The Discourse: On Saturday, May 4th, 2024, Konstant Infosolutions willingly and eagerly expressed support and acceptance for the spirit of World Laughter Day with jubilant enthusiasm. Laughter echoed through the corridors and cafeteria as employees gathered to celebrate this joyous occasion. The event kicked off with a Mr. Beans movie, followed by a series of hilarious team-building games designed to tickle everyone’s funny bones. From a spirited rack race to side-splitting rounds of balloon balancing dance, laughter flowed freely, encouraging a spirit of friendship, mutual support, trust, teamwork and bonding among colleagues.

The highlight of the day was a special screening of a classic comedy movie – Mr. Beans. With snacks in hand and smiles on their faces, around 50 – 70 staff members settled in for an uproarious cinematic experience. The rip-roaring antics on screen elicited gales of laughter, creating a shared sense of merriment and delight. Capping off the day, a lucky wheel spin added an element of excitement as employees eagerly awaited their chance to win fabulous prizes. Laughter truly proved to be the universal language, uniting individuals from diverse backgrounds in a celebration of joy and positivity.

Be a Part of Festivities: We encourage you to be a part of lucky spin that pumps in some necessary adrenaline into our veins and cortisol into our brains, required to start the next working week afresh.

Do you need a tickle: Here are more reasons to grin, smile, laugh, giggle

We might emphasize or ignore he positive effects of laughter, but it does feel good. Although it does not have the potential to heal or solve anything, but it does relieve us from stress. Why not leave all the chores and join in for a short laughter workout every single day? Not only it boosts mood but it even lengthens our lives. Watch your favorite comedy, read a funny book, or gather some friends to tell jokes and get your diaphragm working. Cheers!

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